A very Happy St Paddy's Day!
Second, here's a little explanation about where I've been and what I've been up to . . .
No, I'm not procrastinating (ok, maybe I am) but I'm firmly aware that I need to be back on track. However, even with the dieting not going to plan a few other things have.
First, I read a really interesting YA sequel to Dracula called Bloodline. Much like Dracula, Bloodline is a novel told in letters and diary entries. It's meant to be the next generation on from where the story ended-- so it takes place in World War I Europe (from the trenches to Transylvania). I'm not going to lie, I didn't have high hopes for this novel. The concept really intrigued me, but I'm a bit tired of vampires. I'm ready for something new (maybe dystopias?). However, Bloodline is worth reading. These are bad vampires. They aren't loveable and the heroine is properly feisty, wary and brave. The novel does try to be of its time (circa World War I) but it is also quite contemporary and reads easily. It's definitely worth a read-- especially for anyone who's tired of vampire romances (though, are there people tired of them? surely there must be!). I'm told there is a sequel, Reckoning, wherein one of the vampires tries his hand at redemption . . . Frankly, I'm not sure how I feel about that, but I'll let you know when/if I pick up the next book. Currently I am on a no book buying ban which will last until the 14th May. Yes, I'm hilarious like that.
And secondly, my writing if finally back on track. Big woot! I had a really unproductive February and now, its all things go! So, I'm looking forward to next week when I know they'll be more progress on all fronts.