Thursday, 7 April 2011

Back from the edge of the world . . .

And . . . I’ve fallen off the face of the Earth, again. I think this is the biggest reason I don’t stick to anything—I tend to fall off the face of the earth. Life gets too hectic, or I just don’t have anything I want to report. (Meaning my success rate is non-existent). Of course, this is meant to be about the path and progress and if I don’t update, well . . . then it’s impossible to say what has an hasn’t worked. So, I’m going to force myself to report—even when I’m not happy with what I’ve got to say. So far, not so good. Diet has been mostly stalled—with little weight loss (around 21bs—not terrible, but not great). This is mostly because I have not engaged in a focussed effort or exercise regime. I hate the word regime. It sounds so . . . calculating and menacing. Regime. Hmm . . . Ok, in the spirit of being honest and changing things up I’m going to make a promise. I’m going to update on here twice a week (at least) and I’m going to post my goals. This should—hopefully mean that I actually stick to things this time. So, my goals are simple (for now). Three days or proper exercise sessions a week for the rest of April (I will be increasing this as I go along, but given the *ahem* lack of fitness I’d rather not push too hard to start) and a more balanced diet not to exceed 1600 calories a day. So, that’s where I’m at. We’re having the most amazing sunny spell in London—I’m going to be taking advantage of that!